by Jeff Stebane
This is the first time that I am writing this little column. First of all I want to get a few things out in the open so that you know the reason for this page. I always need an outlet to vent my frustrations, joys or any other feelings that I may have. I decided that instead of paying a therapist to listen to me go on and on why not right it down for people like you to read.
I would like you to understand that I am not a writer nor do I want to be so please don't email me and tell me how I change from third person to fifth and all that kind of stuff. I type about as fast as a 1st grader so once it gets to the screen that is where it stays.
You are probably thinking to yourself, when is the Rambling going to start. Well if you haven't figured it out yet I already began a few minutes ago.
This first installment will be brief. I only want to explain the reason and what it will be about. I may not always have time to write an article for here so if anyone else needs to vent send me your words and when I get behind I will through it on in place of my work.
Now a little bit about what I am going to be writing about:
People that piss me off
Things that upset me in the world
Why things may not work properly
Places that I may enjoy talking about
Why my shoes smell
Sleeping, or lack of sleep
And just about anything else that pops into my head
Please keep in mind that the views that I express are solely mine and may not have anything to do with the band. Also to further push this point I will keep this page off of the bands web site. You may only get to this site on the Links page of the band. If you feel that we should add this site to the Riverz Edge site please email me and let me know. At this time we decided that it would be best to keep it separate.
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